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Islamic Finance

Islamic Finance
type: seminar
chair: Lehrstuhl für Ökonometrie und Statistik

Blockveranstaltung. Ort und Zeit werden noch bekanntgegeben.



sws: 2

Vortrag, Schriftliche Ausarbeitung


Islamic financial industry is growing rapidly. Markets are increasingly appreciating Islamic instruments, and more institutions are willing to provide Islamic services to their clients. Lately, the United Kingdom prime minister pledge to make London one of the world's "great capitals of Islamic finance" when he unveiled Treasury plans to create a £200m Islamic bond by early next year 2014 (The gardian oct-29-2013).  


Islamic financial industry is growing rapidly. Markets are increasingly appreciating Islamic instruments, and more institutions are willing to provide Islamic services to their clients. Lately, the United Kingdom prime minister pledge to make London one of the world's "great capitals of Islamic finance" when he unveiled Treasury plans to create a £200m Islamic bond by early next year 2014 (The gardian oct-29-2013).

Risk Dilemma:

Risk is a challenge in both Islamic and conventional finance. On one hand “Nothing ventured nothing gained” is the first principle of investment. Further, total absence of risk distorts incentives and hence deteriorates economic efficiency. On the other hand, excessive risk hurdle investment and deter growth.

Islamic finance proposes an effective strategy: Minimizing and controlling risk by having it integrated and embedded in real activities. Risk becomes controlled by real economy and real activities are simulated to generate sufficient wealth to compensate risk. The strategy helps then creating value and minimizing risk at once.


Topics of this seminar are:

  • Termonology in Islamic Finance
  • State of risk volatilities of financial markets / Derivatives and risk
  • Risk: The Islamic Approach
  • Theory of Gharar / Risk and uncertainty
  • Financial Engineering: An Islamic Perspective